How Vigilante Cares Helps Veterans Soar Above PTSD

DroneHow Vigilante Cares Helps Veterans Soar Above PTSDour wonderful blue background that gives skywatch the brand it is

SkyWatch’s mission is to provide peace of mind for drone pilots. We are proud to showcase pilots like David Daly, who truly embodies our values by using drones to support veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.



David Daly is a former major in the United States Marine Corps, after a dedicated service including tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Struggling from PTSD, David struggled to reacclimate to a life outside of a warzone and found a new solace in his new hobby: drone piloting. Out of any options he used to alleviate symptoms, including therapy and treatments, he found a major therapeutic value in viewing a perspective of the world that was once previously unseeable. 

David Daly, Founder of Vigilante Cares

The Start of Vigilante Cares 

With David’s new discovery, he shared his experience with fellow veterans who shared the same relief while piloting a drone. For once was David’s hobby, became no longer just that, it became personal. He took on the mission to create a support group called Vigilante Cares. Bringing veterans and drones together, Vigilante Cares allows veterans the unique opportunity to experience flying above the world to escape the troubles below. 

Soaring above PTSD

Vigilante Cares operates in a two-stepped approach: Bringing veterans and drones together, and providing veterans with their own drones to use for self-therapy through civic-minded and conservation efforts.

David believes in Vigilante Care’s approach, “We're humbled to help veterans find a moment of peace and offer skills to continue their journey even after the drone lands. An enormous amount of energy is spent managing PTSD. We hope to redirect some of this energy in a positive and healing direction.”

How You Can Help 

With David’s effort, he has helped numerous veterans around the United States. As many as you know, drones come at a price. You can help support a non-profit organization, that treats veterans with PTSD and creates a pathway to gain their sUAS pilot license, by donating here. 

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